Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Must Do for Wart Prevention

Warts can be unsightly, potentially painful, resistant to treatment, and reoccur even after various treatments.

The key is to not get warts in the first place. Prevent warts by following these tips.

No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service. Wear shoes everywhere, especially in public places like pools and gym showers. Warts are contracted through a virus that enters the body through small cuts in the feet.

Practice Good Hygiene. Change socks and shoes on a daily basis. If you are prone to sweaty feet, keep extra pairs of socks handy. Viruses thrive in warm moist environments. Keep feet clean and dry.

Self-Check. Evaluate your feet daily or at least weekly for any changes that may occur. At the first sign of a wart, growth, or skin change, make an appointment right away. If you have children, check their feet after yours. Make it a family routine.

Keep hands and feet to yourself. If someone you know has a wart, don’t touch it. Wart viruses can spread by contact.

Be selfish. Don’t share your towel, socks, shoes, or razor with anyone. Even though it may not look like someone has wart, they can still be carrying the virus, which can be passed onto you unknowingly.

Minimize feet irritation. Blisters, dry skin, and small cracks on the soles of the feet allow for wart viruses to be easily transferred into your body. Broken and injured skin is caused when the feet are irritated by rubbing from shoes.

Prevent spreading of warts. Keep warts covered with band-aids and don’t bite nails or cuticles.

Image by M.V. Jantzen. (2008). No Shirt No Shoes No Service. Flickr. Retrieved from http://www.flickr.com/photos/mvjantzen/2349235973/

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