Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Caring for your Feet

2016 is right around the corner. Start the New Year off right by taking special care of your feet. According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, foot disorders are among the most widespread and neglected health problems affecting people in the US. Maybe you have been ignoring that pain in your foot, maybe you have been meaning to make an appointment with a podiatrist, or maybe your resolution this year is to make your health a priority. Whatever it may be, it’s always a good time to take care of your feet.

A podiatrist can:
  • Diagnose and treat foot and ankle disorders
  • Advise on how to prevent foot and ankle problems
  • Perform surgeries to correct issues
Here are a few quick facts in caring for your feet:
  • Do not ignore persistent foot pain - it is not normal.
  • Inspect feet regularly and pay attention to changes - peeling, growths, moles, discoloration, etc.
  • Wear properly fitting shoes and shoes that are appropriate for what you are doing.
  • If you suspect something is wrong, consult a physician. Home remedies can only go so far and may cause more problems in some situations. 
Image by OUCHcharley. Poised. (2009). Flickr.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Charcot Foot

Charcot Foot is a form of arthritis that can develop in patients who have neuropathy or loss of sensation. It often develops suddenly without pain. Initial symptoms include swelling, redness and warmth of the foot and ankle. Further down the road, bones may fracture or dislocate spontaneously with no known trauma. This can cause severe deformities in the form of collapsed arches, open sores and ulcers.

Icing, elevation, braces and casts can alleviate pain, but many deformities caused by Charcot Foot may require surgery to correct the fracture or remove broken fragments of bone.

Patients can help to prevent Charcot Foot by keeping blood sugar levels under control, which reduces the progression of nerve damage. It is also important to check feet daily and to be extra careful to avoid injuries to the feet. Early diagnosis is important in the success of treating Charcot Foot. 

Image by Sarah Laval. Bare Feet. (2008). Flickr.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Pain Management

There are different types of pain that you can experience when it comes to your feet. Your doctor may suggest one of the following options for your painful condition.

Ankle Pain: Often times after an injury like a sprained ankle, you will experience some recurring or even chronic pain on the outer side of the ankle. Pain can sometimes be alleviated by anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, an ankle brace, or a steroid injection.

Plantar Fasciitis: This inflammation in the arch of the foot can be eased by calf muscle stretching, arch supports, orthotics, or steroid injections.

Arthritis: When arthritis develops in the foot or ankle, you can try physical therapy, shoe inserts or orthotics, massage, icing the area, or prescription medications.

Callus Pain: Calluses that develop on the ball of the foot can cause pain. Calluses can be shaved, padded shoes can be worn to alleviate pressure, or you can use a shoe orthotic.

Bunions: These bony bumps on the joints at the base of your toe can be treated by wearing protective pads. Some bunions require surgery to bring the big toe back to the correct position.

Your doctor will be able to figure out the best course of action to treat your pain, or the underlying condition. If you injure your foot or ankle, your doctor will tell you what you can do to help prevent pain from occurring after the injury heals. Foot pain is not something that you should ignore or learn to live with. 

Image by Anastasia R. Feet. (2013). Flickr.

Friday, December 4, 2015

What do you know about the anatomy of the foot?

1. The foot is divided into what three sections?
A. Forefoot
B. Midfoot
C. Backfoot
D. Hindfoot

2. The foot is made up of which of the following?
A. Bones
B. Joints
C. Muscles
D. Soft tissue
E. All of the above

3. Toes are also known as phalanges, true or false?

4. Which part of the foot forms the arches?
A. Forefoot
B. Midfoot
C. Backfoot
D. Hindfoot

5. What is the largest bone in the foot?
A. Tibia
B. Heel bone
C. Metatarsals
D. Cuneiform bone

6. The Achilles tendon connects what?
A. The heel to the calf muscle
B. The ankle to the calf muscle
C. The heel to the balls of the feet

7. Which part of the foot forms the heel and ankle?
A. Forefoot
B. Midfoot
C. Backfoot
D. Hindfoot

8. The forefoot contains five toes and five longer bones known as metatarsals, true or false?

Check the comments below for the correct answers.

Image by Virtual EyeSee. Question 1. (2011). Flickr.