Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Many Causes of Heel Pain

Recently I was asked about persistent heel pain. This person wondered if shoe inserts purchased from the store would be the best course of action to treat the pain, or should an appointment be made to see a Podiatrist. I suggested making an appointment to be properly diagnosed. Purchasing shoe inserts might help with the pain, but it only masks the problem. Foot pain, of any kind, is not normal.

The reason why a check-up from a Podiatrist is so vital is that the pain could be caused by a number of different muscle or tendon problems. X-rays distinguish what and where the problem is in the foot. Heel pain can be caused from the heel bone, which is largest of the 26 bones in the foot. Just like all bones in the body, it can be fractured, chipped, or inflamed.

Heel pain can occur if the heel bone is enlarged, called Haglund’s Deformity. Treatment does include arch supports, shoe inserts, heel lifts, or custom orthotics. Anti-inflammatory medication can provide relief. Heel boots or a soft cast can be used if the heel is severely inflamed.

The most common cause of foot or ankle pain is caused by the inflammation for the Achilles tendon, called Tendinitis. Shoe inserts or a soft case to immobilize the foot is a common treatment to stop further injury.

Excessive pronation, heel spurs, and plantar fasciitis are also causes of heel pain. As you might be able to guess, each of these problems are treated differently.

I hope that by understanding some of the problems that cause heel pain, one understands the importance of diagnosing the root of the problem. Masking the problem does only one thing: hide the problem. If at any point feet hurt, make an appointment. Early treatment means less pain and continuation of one’s mobile life.

Image by Brave Heart. (2006). Foot and Heel. Flickr. Retrieved from http://www.flickr.com/photos/brraveheart/777433872/

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