1. Athlete’s foot is:
A. A bacterial infection
B. A fungal infection
2. You can get athlete’s foot by:
A. Touching the feet of a person who has it
B. Walking barefoot on contaminated surfaces
C. Both A and B
3. True or false? You can spread athlete’s foot even if
you don’t have the infection yourself.
4. Which is not a symptom of athlete’s foot?
A. Itching
B. Burning
C. Ingrown toe nails
D. Peeling
5. True or false? After you have athlete’s foot, you are
more likely to get it again.
6. The medical term for athlete’s foot is:
A. Tinea Pedis
B. Osteophyte
B. Talipes Equinovarus
7. How many types of athlete’s foot are there?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
8. What are they?
A. Toe web infection
B. Moccasin-type infection
C. Arch infection
D. Vesicular Infection
If your athlete's foot does not resolve from over the counter medications, see a physician. He will be able to confirm a diagnosis and create a plan of treatment.
For answers, check the comments below.
Image by Tiffany Terry. Question Mark? (2011). Flickr.