Thursday, February 25, 2016

What do you know about Corns and Calluses?

1. What do corns and calluses have in common?
A. They are both areas of thickened, dead skin.
B. They both form on your feet to protect the skin from excessive pressure or friction.
C. They are made from the same material.
D. All of the above

2. Which is not a cause of corns and calluses?
A. Shoes that do not fit correctly.
B. Walking or running on hard surfaces.
C. Ingrown toe nails
D. Flat feet

3. Calluses develop on (you can choose multiple answers):
A. Ball of the foot
B. Heel
C. Big toe
D. Tops of toes
E. Between toes

4. Corns develop on (you can choose multiple answers):
A. Ball of the foot
B. Heel
C. Big toe
D. Tops of toes
E. Between toes

5. What color are corns and calluses?
A. Yellow or grayish
B. Red
C. Blue

6. Is the following a description of a corn or callus?
A spread out, flat area of thick skin

7. True or false? Some corns can look like open sores.

Check the comments below for the correct answers.

Image by Simon Adriaensen. Iconscollection - Question.(2007). Flickr.

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