Thursday, February 4, 2016

Myths about Toenail Fungus

Nail polish acts as a barrier for toenail fungus.
Nail polish actually traps moisture, and fungus grows best in warm, wet places.

Over-the-counter medications cure fungus.
Fungus is stubborn and should be treated by a physician. They are able to prescribe oral or topical medications to fight fungus.

You cannot contract fungus from another person.
You can catch toenail fungus from public showers, pools, locker room floors, etc. Anywhere that someone with fungus comes into contact with can be a potential breeding ground for the fungus. You can even catch it from sharing bed sheets with someone who is infected.

Nail breakage is typically the first sign.
Discolored nails are often the first sign of fungus. Nails can turn white, yellow or brown.

Only older people get toenail fungus.
Although it is more likely to get toe nail fungus as you get older, young people can get it too.

Fingernail fungus is just as common as toenail fungus.
Since your toes are stuck in shoes most of the time, it is a lot easier to get toe nail fungus. Toes are in a wet, warm environment when they are covered up.

Toenail fungus is harmless.
Toenail fungus can lead to a more serious infection if not treated properly.

Image by Nicholas A. Tonelli. Floored. (2005). Flickr.

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