Thursday, January 28, 2016

What do you know about Gout?

1.  Gout is a kind of:
A. Fungus
B. Arthritis
C. Infection

2. True or false? Gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints.

3. What is the most common site for a gout attack?
A. The joint at the base of the big toe
B. The tip of the middle toe
C. Between the first and second toe

4. How long does a gout attack usually last?
A. A couple minutes
B. A couple hours to a couple days
C. A couple weeks to a couple months

5. What are risk factors for gout?
A. Obesity
B. Moderate to heavy alcohol intake
C. Abnormal kidney function
D. All of the above

6. True or false? Gout is one of the most frequently recorded medical illnesses throughout history.

7. If you parents have gout, what chance do you have of developing it?
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 40%

8. True or false? Most people with gout will experience repeated bouts over the years.

See comments below for the answers.

Image by Roy Blumenthal. Question Mark Phoenix. (2008). Flickr.

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