Monday, January 21, 2013

What To Expect At An Office Visit

First, our friendly staff will check you in. They will ask for insurance documentation and if this is your first visit, they will ask you to fill out a few forms regarding your medical history. Then I will perform a physical exam by examining the feet, legs, back, posture, and how you walk. I will also ask questions about your symptoms and medical history. Some of those questions are:
  • Do you have pain in one or both feet?
  • What part of the foot hurts?
  • Does the pain move from joint to joint, or does it always occur in the same place?
  • Did the pain begin suddenly or slowly?
  • How long have you had the pain?
  • Is it worse at night or when you first wake up in the morning?
  • Is it getting better?
  • Does anything make your pain feel better or worse?
  • Do you have any other symptoms?
  • Do you have numbness in your toes?

X-rays may be done to help diagnose the cause of your foot pain.
Treatment depends on the exact cause of the foot pain. Treatment may include:
  • A cast, if you broke a bone
  • Removal of plantar warts, corns, or calluses
  • Orthotics, or shoe inserts
  • Physical therapy to relieve tight or overused muscles
  • Foot surgery

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