Monday, January 7, 2013

Teens & Their Feet

Teen Statistics:
  • "Six out of 10 teens suffer from foot pain at least some of the time 
  • Sports are the number one cause of foot pain among teens 
  • Nearly half of those surveyed (46 percent) reported that playing a sport was the cause of their pain 
  • 75 percent of high school students play a school or recreational sport, and nearly 40 percent of that group has injured their feet while doing so 
  • Two out of 10 teens suffer from pain due to wearing high heels and other uncomfortable footwear. High heels are the most painful, reported by 64 percent of girls 
  • Less than two out of 10 teens have ever seen a podiatrist to treat foot problem" 
Let's face it, most teens are not concerned about how their feet feel. They're more concerned with what the hottest trends in shoes are for prom and finding the cheapest and cutest flip flops for the summer. Some teens even have a hard time getting rid of their favorite worn out smelly gym shoes.

The above statistics are from a recent survey done by the APMA. They questioned 1000 teens about their attitudes toward foot health, foot care, and their knowledge of and experience with podiatrists.

This survey prompted the APMA to launch a myFEET health awareness campaign geared towards teens which provides tools like Footcare 101 and Avoid Pain & Raise Your Game: Shoes for Sports.

Image by Made Underground. (2007). Teen romance. Retrieved from

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