Friday, April 8, 2016

Spring Cleaning: Shoes

Have you caught the spring cleaning bug yet? While you’re cleaning out your closet this year, pay special attention to your shoes. Evaluate each pair and decide if they are worth keeping or if they should be donated/ thrown away.

Do they fit? Try on each pair to make sure they still fit properly. Feet can change for many reasons; weight loss or gain, pregnancy, and aging can all change the size and/or shape of your foot. Make sure shoes fit comfortably and leave enough room for toes to move around. Don’t just go through your shoes and look at the size. Focus on how the shoe feels since sizes vary by manufacturer.

Are they still in good shape? Soles wear out over time, and stop providing the support that they once did. All shoes have an expiration date on them, and should be replaced when they reach that point. Even if you’ve gotten used to that pair of running shoes, it’s best to replace them about every 300-500 miles.

Are you using them? If you haven’t worn them in the last year, clear them out. If they are still in good shape, donate them so someone else can enjoy them. If they are old and worn out, toss them.  

Are you hanging on because of guilt? You spent the money on them, but they don’t fit how you expected - don’t force it. Shoes do not “break-in”. If they are not comfortable the first time you wear them, they will not magically get better. Chose function over fashion. Your feet will thank you.

Image by Stephen Harris. _MG_9171. (2006). Flickr.

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