Friday, March 11, 2016


Sesamoids are bones that are connected only to tendons or embedded in muscle. The foot houses two of these pea-shaped bones in the ball of the foot, just beneath the big toe. The sesamoids in the foot assist with weight-bearing. Sesamoids can fracture, or the tendons around the big toe can get irritated or inflamed, which is called sesamoiditis. Sesamoiditis is a form of tendinitis. It is most common among athletes and dancers.

The most common symptom is pain on the ball of the foot, just under the big toe. Pain may develop gradually, and may be more prominent when bending the big toe. Swelling and bruising can be present, and there may be some tenderness in the surrounding tissue.

Sesamoiditis is most common among athletes and dancers due to repeated stress on the area or trauma to the sesamoid bones. It can also come about from osteoarthritis or osteoporosis. High heels can also be a culprit.

To treat sesamoiditis, rest and ice the area and were comfortable shoes. If you are having persistent pain, visit a podiatrist for further treatment. Steroid injections may be helpful in some cases.

Image by Ale Art. Feet. (2013). Flickr.

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