Saturday, March 5, 2016

Allergic Contact Dermatitis

The skin on your foot is red and tender after coming into contact with something, you could have an allergy. Your immune system thinks your body is under attack, so it releases chemicals, including histamine. This is what causes an allergic reaction - i.e. an itchy rash.

Some common triggers for contact dermatitis on your feet include:
  • Leather or latex rubber on your shoes
  • Poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac
  • Fragrances in soaps or lotions
Some symptoms for contact dermatitis include:
  • Raised red rash
  • Itchy, burning skin
  • Blistering of the skin
If you can narrow down what your skin had a reaction to, try not to come into contact with that material again. If your rash is not clearing up after a couple days, your doctor may prescribe steroid pills or ointment or an antihistamine. 

Image by Holly Lay. Day035. (2012). Flickr.

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