Thursday, June 26, 2014

Eczema on Feet

The summer heat can trigger eczema on the feet. Eczema can be itchy, painful and bothersome, so it is best to take special care of your feet in order to prevent dryness. Here are a few tips how:

Socks may be the cause of your dry itchy feet. Stick to natural fiber cotton socks to get the most breath-ability. Synthetic fibers, wool and spandex can irritate the skin. If your feet tend to sweat, switch out your socks when they become damp. The wetness can worsen eczema.

Try to avoid long hot showers, as hard as that may be. They are not the best for your skin. Taking short, lukewarm showers can prevent dry skin. Use a mild moisturizing soap on feet.

If you have cracks on your feet, you can soak them in lukewarm water for 10 minutes, pat dry, slather petroleum jelly and cover them with cotton socks. Wear them for at least 30 minutes.

Itchiness of the feet can also be due to athlete’s foot or other infections. It is best to seek the opinion of your podiatrist so your ailment can be treated correctly.

Image by Miss Messie. Blue Plastic Shoes. (2010). Flickr.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Fun Historical Shoe Facts

  • The earliest known shoes are sandals that date back to between 7,000 and 8,000 BC.
  • The first shoes were made from animal skins and leather cord.
  • Thong sandals date back to 4,000 BC and were made from papyrus leaves, rawhide, wood, rice straw, etc.
  • The ancient Romans were the first to construct distinct left and right shoes. Before that, shoes could be worn on either foot.
  • Shoe sizes were devised in England by King Edward II who declared in 1324 that the diameter of one barely corn (a third of an inch) would represent one full shoe size. This is still true today.
  • The record for the world’s largest feet belongs to Matthew McGrory who wears US size 28 1/2 shoes.
Image by Pedro Ribeiro Simoes. Roman Sandal. (2010). Flickr.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Basics on Foot Arches

An easy way to figure out your foot type is to get your foot wet and step on a surface that will leave your mark; concrete or a paper bag work well. Seeing half your arch means a neutral arch, seeing your entire foot means flat feet and seeing a thin line between the ball of the foot and heel means high arches.

You should choose your shoes based on your arch type.

Neutral Arches
If you have a normal arch, you can wear any shoe that feels comfortable. It is a good idea to choose something with built in support, cushioning and a rigid heel.

Flat Feet
You should wear spacious shoes with good arch support and padding in the heel. A podiatrist may recommend getting fitted for custom inserts. They balance the foot in a neutral position.

High Arches 
High arches can require extra cushioning, a softer platform and a slightly raised heel.

It is important to find shoes with the proper arch support if you have flat feet or high arches because you are more likely to develop plantar fasciitis, pain in your feet and legs ,and/or bunions and hammertoes.

Image by Shoes. (2013). Flickr.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Nail Diseases and Disorders

Nail diseases and disorders can come in many different forms; discoloration, thickening, splitting, brittleness, etc. Here are a just a few nail disorders that will require medical attention:

Brittle nails that can split vertically and peel. This can be hereditary or due to using strong solvents, such as cleaning solutions.

Over-thickening of the nail. This can be due to an internal disorder.

Beau’s Lines
Horizontal lines on the nail. This is due to any interruption in the protein formation of the nail plate, such as trauma, illness or malnutrition.

Concave nails with raised ridges. This can be due to iron deficiency.

Skin growth over the nail plate. This can be the result of a surgical procedure or a deep cut to the nail plate.

Vertical pigmented bands. This can be due to melanoma or a lesion.

If you notice any of these symptoms on your toenails, it is best to see a physician to get an accurate diagnosis and a plan of treatment. 

Image by Jorge in Brazil. Toes. (2013). Flickr.