Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Aging Feet & Immobility

Aging is a real concern in today's society as the average age that people are living to is increasing. More people living longer means that there will be more people living with impairment of the lower extremities. The leading cause of limited activity in older people is the impairment of the lower extremities. Living with limited mobility then affects other areas of the body such as knee, hip, and lower back pain. According to the US National Center for Health Statistics, one-fourth of all nursing home patients can't walk and one-sixth needs assistance when walking.

Years of neglect or abuse of the lower extremities causes more problems later in life. Normal wear and tear throughout the years is also a factor in future mobility of the elderly. Prevention is important for older people for many reasons. One of the main reasons to have lower extremities checked as one gets older is to ensure future mobility. Comfort and limiting additional medical problems to reduce the chances of hospitalization are also reasons to maintain visits to a Podiatrist. Another major reason is cost. Bedridden patients cost much more than that care for an ambulatory patient.

Podiatric physicians are providing services designed to keep older people on their feet. If you or someone you know displays signs of dry skin, brittle nails, burning and tingling sensations, feelings of cold, numbness, and discoloration of the foot, seek medical attention by a Podiatrist since there are more than 300 different foot ailments.

Image by Borya. (2005). Elderly woman + her view. Flickr. 

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