Tuesday, December 4, 2012

5 Tips for Running in the Cold

With winter fast approaching, even though it might not seem that way with the 70 degree weather we've been having here in Chicago, runners will soon be turning to their treadmills instead of facing the cold wind and temperatures. Keep in mind that runners can still run in the cold, they just need to take a few precautions to keep warm and safe.  We do live in Chicago where the weather can change multiple times a day. Don't get stuck in the cold. Follow these tips to keep your feet warm during cold weather running.

  • Wear the right socks. I know its tempting to grab your regular old cotton socks, but they don't wick away moisture. Wicking socks are made of fabrics like acrylic or wool.  Use two pairs of socks. Saying Chicago can get pretty cold is an understatement. If it is really cold, wear one lighter sock made of synthetic material and then a thicker wool sock over the thinner sock. Be advised that your running shoes may not fit properly with two pairs of socks. In that case, purchase a second pair of running shoes 1/2 size bigger than you normally wear.  
  • Use hand warmers in your running shoes. Put them inside your sock on top of your toes. Once your feet are warm, they can be taken out as to not overheat.  
  • Avoid puddles, slush, and snow. Use a little common sense!
  • Choose the right shoes. For running in cold weather, choose a shoe with little mesh since that is where water and cold can get through.
  • Wear a hat. What do hats have to do with feet? You can lose up to 40% of your heat from your head. To keep the rest of your body warm, wear a hat.  
Image by Jennoit. (2008). Winter run. Retrieved from http://www.flickr.com/photos/benandjenn/2337822453/

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