Saturday, May 21, 2016

What do you know about Running Injuries?

1. Plantar Fasciitis is:
A. One of the most common causes of heel pain
B. Inflammation in the bottom of the foot
C. A sharp, tight, painful sensation at the base of the heel
D. All of the above

2. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon is known as:
A. Achilles rupture
B. Achilles tendinitis

3. Pain along the shin bone is referred to as:
A. Shin splints
B. Band syndrome
C. Morton’s neuroma

4. True or False? If your foot is too stiff to bear the impact of running, a stress fracture could result.

5. True or False? If your foot is too unstable to land in a controlled manner, you could develop runner's knee.

6. This small crack in the bone causes pain and discomfort, and typically affects runners in the shin and feet.
A. Broken bone
B. Stress Fracture
C. Shin splint

7. A small tear in your muscle is known as muscle strain. Runners may feel a popping sensation when this occurs. The best treatment for this is:
A. Continuing to exercise
B. Stretching the muscle
C. Rest, ice, compression and elevation

8. Runners will sometimes twist or roll their foot inward. Accidental stretching or tearing of the ligaments around the ankle is knows as:
A. An ankle fracture
B. An ankle sprain
C. An ankle strain

Please see answers in comments below.

Image by Veronique Debord-Lazaro. What? (2010). Flickr.

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