Saturday, November 7, 2015

What do you know about foot and ankle arthritis?

1. What is the most common form of arthritis?
a. Osteoarthritis
b. Rheumatoid arthritis
c. Posttraumatic arthritis

2. What is osteoarthritis?
a. Normal wear-and-tear
b. Arthritis after an injury
c. An autoimmune disease

3. In osteoarthritis, the “blank” in the joint gradually wears away.
a. Bone
b. Muscle
c. Cartilage

4. Arthritis can lead to bone rubbing on bone, which can produce what?
a. Broken bones
b. Bone spurs
c. Bunions

5. Joint deformity is a sign of which type of arthritis?
a. Osteoarthritis
b. Rheumatoid arthritis
c. Posttraumatic arthritis

6. Dislocations and fractures are the most common injuries that lead to posttraumatic arthritis. True or False?

7. Which of the following are symptoms of arthritis?
a. Pain
b. Inflammation
c. Tenderness
d. Joint swelling
e. All of the above.

8. An injured joint is more likely than an uninjured joint to become arthritic, even if the injury is properly treated. True or False?

Check the comments below for the answers.

Image by Leimenide. Question Mark. (2008). Flickr.

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