Friday, October 9, 2015

What do you know about caring for your feet?

Taking care of your feet can help to prevent foot problems down the road. Test your knowledge to see if you know how to properly care for your feet.

1. You should moisturize every part of your foot except:
A. Heels
B. Balls of the feet
C. Between the toes

2. You should clip your toenails so that they are:
A. Straight across
B. Rounded

3. It is important that shoes are not too tight. Corns and calluses can develop when there is too much pressure against your foot. The difference between corns and calluses are where they are located on your feet. One forms on the top of the foot, sometimes on a toe. The other appears on the bottom of the foot. Which is which?

4. Sweaty feet can cause smelly feet and infections. What is a good way to get sweaty feet under control?
A. Wash your feet
B. Dry feet well
C. Wear moisture-wicking socks
D. All of the above

5. Small growths of hardened skin that are caused by a virus are called warts. They can most commonly be caught by walking on a dirty, wet surface. True or false?

6. Shoe inserts and orthotics can help with foot problems like flat arches and foot pain. Which of these has to be prescribed by a doctor?

7. Foot pain can be caused by the following:
A. High heels
B. Being overweight
C. Foot injury
D. Abnormal gait
E. All of the above

8. Good circulation is important for healthy feet. The following can reduce the flow of blood to the feet and should be avoided:
A. Standing for long periods
B. Wearing shoes or socks that are too tight
C. Stretching 

Check the comments below for the correct answers.

Image by Thomas Galvez. Question Everything. (2014). Flickr.

1 comment:

  1. 1.C
    2. A
    3. Top of foot: corn/ Bottom of foot: callus
    4. D
    5. True
    6. Orthotics
    7. E
    8. B
