Thursday, April 23, 2015

What do you know about toenail fungus?

1. Anyone can get nail fungus, but infections are more common in people over the age of:
A. 40
B. 50
C. 60

2. Nail fungus occurs when:
A. Fungus enters the nail through a small cut or break in the nail
B. Someone has poor hygiene

3. What are the best conditions for fungus to grow?
A. Cool, dry place
B. Warm, wet place
C. Cool, wet place
D. Warm, dry place

4. The medical term for nail fungus is:
A. Onychomycosis
B. Calcaneus
C. Hallux Valgus

5. True or False? Fungal infections occur in toenails more often than in fingernails.

6. Which is the least common symptom of toenail fungus?
A. Thick nails
B. Discolored nails
C. Pain in your toes

7. True or False? Toenail infections are more difficult to treat than fingernail infections.

8. The least common treatment for toenail fungus is:
A. Topical creams or gels
B. Oral medications
C. Removal of the nail

Check the comments below for the correct answers.

Unfortunately a toenail fungus will not usually go away on its own. The fungus will often last for years, even decades, and will probably continue to get worse unless you decide to have the problem addressed properly in a podiatry practice.

Image by Quinn Dombrowski. Toenail. (2010). Flickr.

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