Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Don't Always "Walk It Off"

I hope people have started walking, as we’ve had beautiful weather here in the Chicagoland area.  If you’re just starting out or an avid walker, there is a potential for foot problems that occur along route and make walking difficult and uncomfortable.

Keep your feet healthy this summer and if you start to see any of the signs below, contact my office to make an appointment for treatment options to get you back on that walking trail in no time.

Problem: flaky, dry, cracked, itchy skin
Possible Condition: Athlete’s Foot
Possible Cause: The shoes you are wearing are not breathing enough and as your foot sweats, the shoes are trapping in the moisture creating fungal growth.

Problem: Pain in the bottom of the heel or arch
Possible Condition: Plantar Fasciitis/Heel Pain
Possible Cause: tight muscles on the back of the leg; stretching and inflammation of fascia (Fascia runs from the heel to the ball of the foot); worn out shoes

Problem: Thickened, discolored, loose, or deformed nail
Possible Condition: Fungal Nail
Possible Cause: Toenail rubbing or bumping on the top of the shoe; Athlete’s foot spread to the nail; shoes and socks encourage fungal growth due to sweating

Problem: Painful, fluid-filled lesion
Possible Condition: Blister
Possible Cause: Worn out or ill-fitting shoes; socks not laying flat so they rub between the feet and shoe; sweating and moisture

Image by o5com. (2010). Walking. Flickr. Retrieved from http://www.flickr.com/photos/o5com/5081595200/

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