Thursday, June 18, 2015

What do you know about Foot Pain?

1. Heels that are higher than ____ inches are linked to knee, heel and ankle problems.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3

2. Heel pain is most commonly caused by:
A. Plantar Fasciitis
B. Bone bruise
C. Corn

3. This shooting pain between the third and fourth toes feels like you are stepping on a rock.
A. Gout
B. Tendonitis
C. Morton’s Neuroma

4. Athlete’s foot can be caught from:
A. Walking barefoot in a public shower
B. Sharing bed sheets with someone who has Athlete’s foot
C. Both A and B

5. This foot ailment is characterized by a swollen, red and painful big toe:
A. Foot fungus
B. Gout
C. Callus

6. Painful ingrown toenails are mostly caused by:
A. Cutting the nail too short
B. Wearing tight shoes

7. True or False? If shoes don’t feel comfortable when you try them on, you can always break them in.

8. ____ out of 10 bunion cases happen to women.
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 9

Foot pain should be addressed with a physician so it can be treated properly. 

Check out the answers in the comments below.

Image by Raymond Bryson. Question Box. (2011). Flickr.

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