Monday, February 11, 2013

Must Have Items for Men's Feet

Men are not prone to getting pedicures or focusing on their feet in general. Maintenance of their feet is typically not a thought until a blister, callus, or athlete's foot appears, and then it's all about solving the problem before them. How about giving a little thought into stocking your medicine cabinet with a few items to help keep the feet healthy and looking nice without having to be too girlie about foot care.

The first item to keep on hand would be a pair of nail clippers for your feet. Be careful when clipping, as clumsy nail trimming is the leading cause of hangnails and ingrown toenails. If a nail is cut too short, tissue can become exposed. Not only is it painful, but it can lead to infections.

After a long day of work, especially if you stand all day, the arches of the feet start to hurt. Insoles for shoes provide support and comfort. Look for insoles with a plastic sole or get fitted for orthotics by a Podiatrist.

Most men see a Podiatrist because of athlete's foot. The conditions that cause athlete's foot are dark and damp, which allows the fungus to grow. Use an anti-fungal lotion or powder to clear it up. If that doesn't help, see your Podiatrist for stronger treatment.

Image by Michael Caroe Andersen. (2007). Wet feet. Retrieved from

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