Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Are You Tired of Fighting Toenail Fungus?

We have a revolutionary new procedure that eliminates nail fungus without anesthesia and medication! Until now, the only approach to treating toenail fungus has been a regimen of ointments, assorted prescription medications, and minor surgical procedures.

In our experience the only way to really get rid of toenail fungus is to use a treatment that truly addresses the fungus beneath the toenail and destroys the fungal cells within the nail plate, so the nail can begin to grow again, free of fungus. Once the fungus has been eliminated, the healthy nail can then typically grow back over the course of six to twelve months.

What is toenail fungus?
 • Thickened, discolored, loose, or deformed toenail

What Causes Fungal Nail?
• Result of trauma to toenail
• Could be an indication of other medical conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, cancer or psoriasis
• Can start in the skin as athlete’s foot, and spread to the nails
• Shoes and socks that encourage fungal growth
• Heredity

• Keep shoes and socks dry.
• Practice good foot hygiene, including daily washing of the feet with soap and water, drying the feet carefully, especially between toes.
• Change shoes regularly.
• Wear natural/synthetic blend socks.
• Inspect toenails and trim them straight across on a regular basis.
• Do not use nail polish to cover discoloration.

Recommended Treatment by a Podiatrist:
• Perform a physical examination and culture the infected nail.
• 2 to 4 treatments to eliminate this problem from your life, without medications, surgery, and anesthetic!

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