It is common
to develop shin splints if you are an avid runner. They may appear after
increasing the intensity of your workout or changing the surface you run on - i.e. going from running on trails to running on concrete. Most commonly, shin splints feel like a throbbing ache in your shin area. They
can be caused by overused muscles, stress fractures, or flat feet. If you are experiencing this type of pain during or after your workout, it is time to consider seeing a doctor.
Rest, ice,
anti-inflammatory painkillers, shin stretches and orthotics can help to heal
shin splints. Your physician may do an x-ray to see if any bones are fractured. While healing, it is best to avoid high impact workouts. Changing to something like swimming will give your body time to heal.
To help prevent this injury, wear shoes that provide the support
you need. Shoes should be bases on the type of arch you have and the way you
run. You should always warm up before exercising and stop if you feel pain.
Image by Chris Hunkeler. Woman Triathlete. (2013). Flickr.